Porcelain Cyclone 3/16″ x 4″


SKU: PCYC316 Category:

Product Overview

The Porcelain Cyclone is a tungsten carbide-tipped, multi-purpose masonry/tile drill bit that was specifically designed for drilling quickly and efficiently through porcelain, masonry, and other hard surfaces for a variety of applications.  Its speed and durability distinguish itself from other standard carbide masonry bits. With a specially formulated mix of metals and superior designed carbide tip, the Porcelain Cyclone makes installations quicker and easier, therefore, more profitable.


*Based on PEI Class 5 porcelain tile with a ¼” Porcelain Cyclone

Product Info


3/16” x 6” lengths and ¼” x 6” length will be available.

Instructions (for maximum durability):

Weight 1 lbs
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